1. Certificate GOST-R
  2. Declaration of Conformity GOST
  3. Fire Safety Certificate
  4. Railway Transport Certification
  1. Hygienic Certificate
  2. UKRSepro Certificate
  3. Declaration of Conformity Ukraine
  1. GOST-K Certificate
  1. Belgis Certificate
  1. New Technical Regulations and EAC Mark of Conformity for Machinery Exports to Russia, Kazakhstan or Belarus.
  2. Published a list of packages that are subject to the declaration of conformity.
  3. Customs Union:new restrictions in the technical requirements on food.
  4. Eurasian Economic Commission :The changes in the Goods Nomenclature for preparations for contact Senses.

Customs Union:new restrictions in the technical requirements on food.

During the 17th the meeting College of the Eurasian Economic Commission was adopted a decision Nr. 129 "About bringing of changes to the Customs Union Commission Decision of 9 December 2011 Nr. 880" (June 11, 2013.).

The College the Eurasian Economic Commission decided that technical regulations CU ‘About safety of food production’ shall enter into force on 1 July, with the exception of the provisions relating to the production of meat and dairy products.

Until the entry into force of these regulations for meat and milk will apply previous national requirements of CU members. On the territory of Russia, this production is subject to the following documents:
  • the resolution of the Government of Russian Federation of 1 December 2009, Nr. 982 - for meat and meat production;
  • the technical provisions of the Federal Law of 12 June 2008 Nr. 88 - for milk and milk production.
The Eurasian Economic Commission has concretized an acceptable transitional period for the admission to trading of various food products, manufactured to the date of entry into force of new technical regulations.

Up to 1 July 2014 will be allowed trading food that previously was subject to obligatory declaration of compatibility, without special permission. There is also no obligation to get special trade mark for these products.

To remind, before the decision of Commission of Customs Union from 9 December 2011 r. Nr. 880 was established total allowable period of trading of food, which had national certificates. The transitional period will be prolonged to 15 February 2015.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Certificate for Custom Union, please contact us and discuss it with our experts. Contact us
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